Our enrichment offer

As well as the highest quality teaching and learning, we promise that every child at our academy will have the opportunity to….

  • Learn to respect our community
  • Practice their religion freely
  • Learn to play an instrument
  • Learn to swim
  • Have the opportunity to become a sports leader
  • Raise money for charity
  • Take part in the summer fayre and winter crafts festival
  • Cook within D&T using recipes and creating our own
  • Learn to sew
  • Visit a concert hall
  • Take part in tournaments
  • Attend school discos
  • Take part in British science week
  • Make clay and pottery designs
  • Attend forest schools
  • Visit religious buildings in the local area
  • Go on an overnight educational visit
  • Learn how to navigate personal and social engagement
  • Visit coastal areas
  • Take pride in their own creative achievements
  • Visit a library
  • Visit museums and galleries
  • Explore animals and their environments/habitats
  • Learn about different careers and take part in aspiration day
  • See a pantomime or visit a theatre
  • Learn and build appropriate relationships
  • Become Mini Police officer
  • Compete in a sports day
  • Visit local care homes and have conversations with the older generation
  • Take part in World Book Day
  • Take part in a musical performance
  • Visit a farm
  • Become a peer mentor
  • Join a club
  • Learn about a range of different artists and art movements
  • Take part in Internet Safety Week
  • Attend a healthy relationships course
  • Take part in wellbeing Wednesdays
  • Learn a different language
  • Learn about different countries and cultures

Extra-curricular enrichment

We encourage all children to get involved in activities outside of their lessons; to enable them to try new things, meet new friends and develop new skills. We offer a number of free clubs that might interest your child. These run at different times in the year.

Contact us to find out how to get your child involved.

Our free clubs

  • Community champions
  • Young Voices choir
  • Yoga
  • Story
  • Art
  • Lego
  • Craft

Pupil Parliament

The Pupil Parliament is a group of children who are elected to represent the views of all children to improve their school. Each year voting takes place for the children who have been campaigning to be elected to be a member of the Pupil Parliament (MPP).

What does it do?

  • The MPPs meet to discuss and sort out problems and ideas. These may include academy lunches, behaviour or ideas for fundraising events.
  • MPPs will be responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed, such as planning charity events, meeting with governors or other communities, and putting forward views of other children in the academy.

What jobs are there?

Each year the Pupil Parliament is elected. The MPPs meet to elect officers such as:

    • Chair
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary

What makes a good Pupil Parliament?

A good Pupil Parliament is one that represents the views of all children and gets things done. These are some of the things that make our academy council effective:

  • regular meetings
  • good communication between council members and our academy
  • having a suggestion box so that any child in our academy can tell us what they think

Do they get anything done?

Good Pupil Parliaments do get things done! Our examples include:

  • fundraising
  • raising awareness and collecting for the Bassetlaw Food Bank

More about the Pupil Parliament

The MPPs play a very important role in academy life. We attend regular meetings and discuss important issues which may affect the children, parents and staff of Bracken Lane Academy and the surrounding community.

The chairperson can put forward a motion to the other MPPs to invite visitors to the meetings to discuss particular projects.

The secretary records minutes so that everyone can read what our meetings are about and what decisions we have made.

The treasurer records the money that we raise and spend, so that we keep good accounts.

We think our Pupil Parliament helps to make Bracken Lane Academy an even better place to be!